Our Mission

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For as long as I can remember I have loved the ocean, a few years ago I started to panic. Images of the oceans full of plastic were becoming all too frequent and talk of the great pacific garbage patch seem to become almost accepted as if it was someone else’s problem. I couldn't just sit at home whilst Nemo and his friends were clearly in such a depressing situation. I decided that I couldn’t wait for the government to make changes, I couldn't rely on huge corporations all making vast amounts of cash to make a change I HAD TO DO SOMETHING MYSELF … AND FAST to help inspire everyone to reduce their use of single use plastic. From that point my journey to a more sustainable life began, many of the things I love and did already, upcycling, vintage, salvage and growing veg and were all it seemed exactly what the world needed. Warriors on Waste is my way of sharing what I learn, of creating a tribe of people who care. Wearing Camo is optional, caring is mandatory.



Together with Living Room TV, I made this movie in 2017 to highlight a few small changes that we can all make everyday to reduce the amount of single use plastic we all use. We all have to take ownership of the problem, I really believe that together all the small changes we make a massive impact. Together we really can save the world it really is as simple as that.


My Sustainability tribe

A few things you can swap into your everyday life with ease that will have a massive impact on the plastic pollution situation, brands that literally wont cost the earth. Find out more about these brands and visit my Amazon Warriors on Waste shop here.



I can come to your school, workplace or event and share my knowledge and help you to inspire change. I have spoken at Grand Designs Live, The Ideal Home show, Carfest and various Schools Festivals and Businesses - please contact me to discuss! Together small changes will make a big difference and sometimes it’s just about being woken up to that fact.

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